ResourcesBehavioral ResourcesClinical Practice ToolsClinical Review GuidesChild & Adolescent Mental Health Higher Level of Care
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Higher Level of Care
To expedite the review process, be sure to review our medical necessity criteria expectations for admission, continued stay and discharge.
Below is a general outline that our care managers will follow when reviewing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Cases; however depending on the specifics, the care manager may ask for additional information. Please note, in order to ensure that clinical collaboration occurs, we may only authorize a few days at a time.
DSM Diagnosis Information
- Include any Clinical Disorders, Personality Disorders, Intellectual Disability, or General Medical Conditions
Clinical Presentation
- Reason for admission (MH & SA HX, SU issues, mental health status, stressors)
- Clinical factors that support your requested level of care
- Medications: Types, dosage, frequency, titration plan and who prescribed
- Additional comments and/or concerns about medication use as it relates to current diagnosis
- Family assessment
Treatment Intervention/ Planning
- Identify specific and measurable treatment goals and interventions
- Behavioral modification plan
- Coordination with external supports such as family, school and ancillary professionals
- Frequency of family sessions in order to address admission precipitant
- If in a Partial Program: Describe how patient is using the skills outside of treatment hours
- If in Residential: Is the program close enough for consistent family involvement
Discharge Planning
- Identify discharge plan including the behavioral modification, family and medication management
- 7-day follow up appointments
- Identify any barriers to follow-up
- Has the outpatient provider been notified of the admission?
- Please provide the discharge information during last review or if no further authorization is needed, you may leave the information on the designated staff’s voicemail.